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I have known for a few years now that copyright does not actually protect individual creators. However, I had kept the copyright notices up both here and on the site for my webcomic because I still wanted to restrict what could be done with my art, and also as some false indicator of "professionalism" to myself.

With the news about the Internet Archive losing it's appeal to lend ebooks, I rethought my personal approach to how I want to release my work. While I would like to protect my work from being reposted, profited from, used in AI training, etc, current copyright laws do not protect me in any meaningful way. I do not have the time or resources to find if my work has been stolen or not, or to pursue legal action if it has. I also believe that people should be able to make art however they want, including usage of my own in whatever way they might.

After some research, I am making my work available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, and not public domain. While I cannot stop anyone from sharing my work uncredited, I do want to encourage crediting, and the release of open, shareable work (hence the ShareAlike). Otherwise, do as you please.

I looked to multiple other anti-copyright artists and collectives to make this decision, specifically Unprintable and Kim Diaz Holm. I highly recommend checking them out!